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EA Games is giving away a free download code to anyone that has purchased Dragon Age II and activated the online pass content (The Black Emporium) that came with your game. If you don’t already own the game you still have until April 30 at 11:59 PDT to take advantage of this offer.
Thanks to gamers like you, Dragon Age II is off to a great start – breaking the 1 million mark in less than two weeks and faster than Dragon Age: Origins. We appreciate your support. As a special thank you for helping with the game’s early success, BioWare would like to present you with a download code for 2010’s Game of the Year, Mass Effect 2 on PC. As always, we sincerely appreciate your support and passion as we remain focused on delivering quality interactive experiences now and in the future. Look for more exciting things coming from Dragon Age, Mass Effect, and Star Wars: The Old Republic in the future, including our recent launch of Mass Effect 2 Arrival DLC.
If you bought the Xbox or the PS3 version you will also qualify for a free digital copy of the PC version of ME2.